It states that every person in the universe loves atleast 1 person (friends,parents, relatives, etc...) with a love directly proportional to the product of the care & truthfulness towads him/her.
L ~ C*T
L=Kct, where k is the constant of proportionality . But neither the value of L or K was found because love cannot be measured.
Disease : Loveitis
Caused By : Deficiency of a person to love or be a friend.
Symptoms : The person feels lonely. he feels that life is a burden. His / her heart is swollen.
Prevention : Never hate anyone.
Control : LPV (Loveitis Prevention Vaccine) can be given to the person through a friend.
1)It is colourless & selfless but never heartless.
2)Occurence : It is found in the smile of friends & hearts of parents.
3)It is non-combustible & does not support for it extinguishes the flame of your sorrow.
4)Its constituents - people who love each other cannot be separated by physical means for love forms a strong & true bond between two hearts.
5)It reacts with other substances.
Love + Truthfulness -> Friendship + Happiness (precipitated in our heart).
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